FAQ: What is tort reform, and how does it apply in Texas?
See also the Texas Trucking Association “Lawsuit Reform” page. Don’t get me started….Tort reform refers to proposed on enacted changes to a state’s legal system that attempt to reduce the ability of plaintiffs to bring litigation. They may also reduce the amount of damages that a plaintiff can receive. The Medical Malpractice and Tort Reform
Read MoreAustinites: How Did You Find Your Personal Injury Attorney?
Austinites: How Did You Find Your Personal Injury Attorney? Note: This is a Funk & Associates personal injury guest post. The questions come from real Central Texas accident victims. Want to write for us? Send your pitch to funklawaustin@gmail.com This article was approved for publication by attorney Jose Benavides How Do You Find A Good
Read MoreFAQ: What is my case worth?
What Is My Car Accident Case Worth? This is the magical question, right? I am probably asked this question no less than twenty times a week. Its a fair question, but sadly does not have a clear answer. Your case is worth as much as I can get for it. On last count our algorithm
Read MoreFAQ: How much is a good settlement for a motorcycle accident?
settlement for a motorcycle accident? All cases are different, so a “good settlement” would be different on every case. There is no exact number or science to calculating a good settlement. Whether in a car accident or in a motorcycle accident, the settlement will depend on a variety of factors, including but not limited to:
Read MoreFAQ: I was injured in a motorcycle accident, but I wasn’t wearing a helmet. Can I still recover damages from the other driver?
I was injured in a motorcycle accident, but I wasn’t wearing a helmet. Can I still recover damages? Yes. As a fellow rider, I know the freedom that goes without wearing a helmet while riding. However, freedom comes at a severe cost if you get in a motorcycle accident without a helmet. Assuming you take
Read MoreFAQ: I was just in a car wreck. Should I take pictures?
FAQ: I was just in a car wreck. Should I take pictures? The short answer is, yes! Take photos and document the scene, the vehicles, their positions, and any surface markings on the street or pavement following the collision. It is vital to document as much evidence as possible before it is altered. Even
Read MoreFAQ: How do I find a good personal injury lawyer?
How to Find a Good Personal Injury Lawyer in Texas: A Beginner’s Guide If you’ve recently been involved in an accident or suffered an injury in Texas, you may be considering hiring a personal injury lawyer to help manage your claim and secure the compensation you deserve. This can be a daunting task, especially
Read MoreThe Most Dangerous Intersections in Austin (And What We’re Doing About Them!)
Most Dangerous Intersections in Austin? Sources: Austin Police Department, Austin Public Information office, Sept. 2023. And remember: The best injury lawyer Austin has to offer is a phone call away! Austin, Texas is a wonderful city for both visitors and residents. However, the increasing number of vehicles on our roads means we now have
Read MoreFAQ: Do I have a personal injury case?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK9A8ierXzs 1. Are you at fault?2. is there insurance on the other side (or in the alternative, do you have Uninsured Motorist Coverage with your own insurance)?3. And most importantly, are you Injured? If you have all three elements, you have a good case and you should seek legal counsel. If you are unclear as
Read MoreFAQ: Can you sue someone for causing a car accident?
You can always sue someone over a car accident, the real question is, should you? An experienced personal injury attorney can advise you on the best options available for your specific case, so that you can make the most informed decision possible.
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