FAQ: How much Compensation do you Get for Whiplash?
Unfortunately, there is no magic formula to calculate the compensation would be for whiplash. Every case is different. There are multiple factors that will increase or decrease the value of a case. For example, was it just whiplash that the injured person is suffering from. Were there other injuries? These are just a few of
Read MoreFAQ: What is the Statute of Limitations on a Wrongful Death Suit?
The statute of limitations on a wrongful death claim is two years from the deceased person’s death. However, there are a few exceptions to this law. The following exceptions are: • When the plaintiff is a minor child; • When the Defendant or their negligence is unknown; • Fraud; • Mental or Physical Incapacity. If
Read MoreFAQ: How do You Calculate Pain and Suffering?
Calculating Pain and suffering is a complicated process. There is no magic formula that can give you the answer. However, there are ways to explain and make insurance companies understand your pain and the suffering that you have gone through, after an accident. We have gone through many different ways to accomplish these goals from,
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